Well living with a child with ADHD isn't a walk in the park. Lately it has been a walk down a walk covered with tacks. We are off schedule and it is not working. tomorrow I will have to get C up when i get up. as much as i enjoy my quiet time while kids are sleeping, i enjoy my sanity more. i need to get him taking his pill at a normal time. Right now i am trying to find a cabinet lock that will work on my side by side frig. Why you may ask? Cuz of Camden. I would love to go to sleep without worrying is he going to go down stairs and take the milk out to make his own strawberry milk after i told him no more. only to either leave the milk out, leave the frig open or waste so much milk and strawberry mix to get the right flavor. Or how about sneaking in the frig (had to done a sneak as i was right there in the living room and didn't hear a thing) to take out FIFTEEN eggs and proceed to crack them all over the playroom, desk, keyboard and little hall. This just after replacing a keyboard on my main computer. The results is me having a breakdown and all kids loosing privliges to the computers. I am missing an H key becuz of camden and his eating crap by my computer which caused something to get stuck and me pulling it off wrong and breaking the plastic clip. I may let Hunter play the computer for an hour a day if he stays in my room with door locked and only after he does some chore first. i will get a new keyboard in a month for when the kids start school and Hunter will probably need it but not till then. The other day i went to water fitness only to come home to a loaf of bread eaten. a WHOLE LOAF. I just bought it the day before. Today i was going to run out and get some stuff from Sam's club but after the egg thing there was no way i could go out and leave them with their dad sleeping and there was no way i was taking Camden out. He just don't think before he acts. when he has his meds he is fine but in those dreaded hours of coming on or going off them. it is crazy. this morning it was just after he got his pill so it hadn't kicked in yet. I should have had a clue when i caught him at age 2 on the table with hot sauce spilled all over. at the time i thought scrapbook moment. but i think that was the beginning of the end for me. i also can't fill the dog continuous water dish cuz it never fails that after i do, someone comes and fills the bowl with dog food. LIFE sucks somedays. Oh and shortly after the egg thing Camden comes down stairs (sent him to his room) and says " i love you momma" as he gives me a hug. there are days i could throttle him and then he goes and pulls that. Sigh what can you do
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
The Swingset
So after much going around and around with swingsets. what I wanted i couldn't get as my dh is not Bob the Builder and FiL is too far away to come help put it up. also despite my friends husband saying he would help. we went with a swingset that included assembly. While it is half of what i was looking at for the same price. i must say it is an ok swingset. (still want the one at Sam's club though woodridge i think it is called) We got this from Crown of MN. it is the same set as the neighbors. We originally were going with just swing and tower but dh said might as well get the monkey bars also. it came with also a larger rock wall and then the picnic table which we didn't install. The bottom will be a playhouse when FiL gets here to wall it in. (not sure when that will be)This is Sam waiting and watching the swingset go up. it took the workmen 5 hours to put it up.
Posted by Babykitty at 9:55 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 18, 2009
This is the stairway to HELL. It goes up the side of the mountain and I nearly died. This is the group waiting for my sister and I to catch up. they had to do this alot. I being over weight and out of shape and she carrying a 2 month old baby. (but also out of shape but not over weight)
Posted by Babykitty at 1:47 PM 0 comments